Friday, 29 September 2017

3D Modelling And Animation 2017

About Me

 I'm currently studying Bsc Computer Games Technology at Anglia Ruskin University
In my year two of study

This blog is for task for the 3D Modelling And Animation module for second year of study.  The task is split into two assignments. First half 3D models and 2nd half animation. 

Both halves are linked together.  The task is two make three 3D models for the first half and second half is to use the three 3D models to make 30 second animation. The 3d models and animation will be based on "Star Wars".

The blog will contain pre production, weekly tasks and evaluate every week how the 3d models and animation went. Pre production includes plan, storyboard, mood board and how ideas got generated. The weekly tasks include tasks on how to use Autodesk Maya 2017.